Monday, March 31, 2008


HAPPyNESS spelled with a Y

What is it... I want it! How do I find it or where can I get it... PURCHASE... Still haven't got it... Thought I had found it. Won't someone help me... help me find happiness in my life.

AM I HAPPY?... seems to be a question that we as humans, constantly as ourselves as the world that we live in revolves around us at break-neck speeds. People run about their lives living every day as though it were longer than just 24 hours. But why? Why do we constantly try to pack our lives full to the point that we know not everything will be accomplished. Seems to me , in doing this, are we not simply setting ourselves up to not succeed in completing everything that we wanted to get done? In theory, are we not just setting ourselves up to fail.

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything
is perfect, only that you have chosen to see
through the imperfections." -Anonymous

In a world where bigger is better and money buys happiness, it seems all that many focus on is whats the next item, the newest item, that I can acquire which will bring me happiness. But although we continually strive for these items and objects, it's well obvious that the happiness that is brought about from these objects is only temporary. Still we strive for these tangible objects that feed us happiness when in reality we just long more and more for newer and greater things. As soon as the novelty of such items wears off, we jump right back in stride with a world racing forward at light speed, off to acquire that "next object."

A smile, and not just any smile. The Child in the picture... would you say he is happy? DO you think that as he rocks back and forth on the swing he can hear his surroundings and feel the wind rushing past his skin... do you think maybe just maybe he is happy? How about his expression, the smile on his face. Or simply his body language... think he is happy just like you and I? Think that he sees everything that you and I do and just goes about his life happy as a child? Guess again. The Child on the swing is blind, but the HAPPyNESS you see portrayed is the HAPPyNESS of a child of God... HAPPyNESS that won't simply fade away.

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